Atelier B is composed of a complete set of integrated tools enabling the development of applications using the method invented by Jean-Raymond Abrial↑, the B-Method. Atelier B assists developers in the formalization of their applications, performing automatically on specifications and their refinements, syntax analysis, type checking, generation and demonstration of proof obligations. Extra components are supplied such as translators into current computer programming languages (C, Ada, …), a mathematical editor, libraries of predefined machines and various project analysis tools.
Access to Atelier B software tools is by a graphical MOTIF interface or by a batch language; in each mode it manages multi-users projects. Atelier B has been designed by Digilog and GEC Alsthom Transport in close collaboration with Jean-Raymond Abrial. The first version of Atelier B will be upgraded in 1995 with an animator of specifications, a new generation of prover, a powerful project documentation generator and various interfaces with standard tools ([news:comp.text.sgml SGML], Interleaf, …). Atelier B is sponsored by RATP, SNCF and INRETS and developed with their technical cooperation.