Teaching Formal Methods (TFM) is a series of meetings, held in association with Formal Methods Europe and its FM conference series. It has produced published proceedings (e.g., for TFM2004[1]). The meetings include presentations that consider educational issues with respect to formal methods.
See also[]
- FME-SoE (FME Subgroup on Education)
- FMBoK (Formal Methods Body of Knowledge↑)
- ↑ Teaching Formal Methods: CoLogNET/FME Symposium, TFM 2004, Ghent↑, Belgium↑, November 18–19, 2004. Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science↑) by C. Neville Dean and Raymond T. Boute (editors). Springer-Verlag↑, 2004. ISBN 3540236112 (order from Amazon USA or Amazon UK).
External links[]
- TFM2006, organized by Oxford Brookes University↑ and BCS-FACS
- TFM2009, in association with the FM2009 symposium